Sets of plates 3x10cm (ru)
Plates 30cm (ru)
Plates 25cm (ru)
Caskets (ru)
Kitchen badges (ru)
Souvenir Factory (earlier known as Kiev factory of souvenir -gift products) has existed since 1968. For long years of existence our production has received wide popularity. The basic direction of factory activity is manufacture of hand-made souvenirs - tiny under varnished paintings in style " Kiev paintings ": subject and flower compositions in the Ukrainian style, painted and straw incrustation of Kiev views, monuments of Ukrainian architecture, compositions to New year, to the Valentine's day and other holidays. We carry out individual orders to celebrations and anniversaries. We develop firm trade marks and the emblems on our forms (painted and incrusted). Now there are developed straw incrustation of emblems of Ukrainian cities on plates with diameter 250mm and painted on plates with diameter 150mm. Continuing and developing the best traditions of the Ukrainian masters, more than 1000 kinds of products are being issued now (plate - 5 sizes, caskets - 5 sizes, dishes, trays) which are capable to satisfy the most refined taste.
In work only the natural raw material is used - a varnish and paint - oil. In territory of former Soviet Union The Souvenir Factory - the unique enterprise, making such production in full. Every month the assortment constantly grows. We are always glad to you.
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